The Sandman (TV Series 2022– ) Poster

(2022– )

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Decent Enough
Rob133112 December 2023
Having never read the books I wasn't really sure what to expect from The Sandman. Then after reading through the reviews and seeing how mixed they were I was even more confused about whether I should give it a try. I'm glad I did because I really enjoyed it. I just read that it got renewed for a second season so that's good news. It looks like most of the negative reviews are from people that are mad that it's not exactly like the source material and I've never got that. As long as it's entertaining...who cares. Movies and shows have to be adapted for tv and are just based off the source material. Less than 5% of the people who watch these movies and tv shows have actually read the book or comic it's based on.
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It's Worth Watching
Supermanfan-1318 July 2023
I have to say I enjoyed The Sandman more than I thought I would. I have to admit I knew nothing of the comic or even heard of it so I had no expectations at all. It is definitely something different and unlike any show I've seen. The closest thing is American Gods but I stoped watching that in Season 2 as the quality of that show fell off after the first season. It has a solid 7.9 so it looks like most people seem to like it. I thought Tom Sturridge did an excellent job as the lead and Boyd Holbrook was just as good as one of the villains the of the story. The creator of the comic book (Neil Gaiman) is an executive producer so hopefully he'll have a big say as to where the story goes. It's already been renewed so I'm looking forward to more of the story.
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A series of two halves
fraser-simons7 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So far, it follows the comic books quite faithfully. The first half sees him imprisoned and searching out his tools, then it transitions to being about humanity and his relationship to it.

Now, I think the first half is a 10/10. It is perfection. Incredibly to see that section rendered so well, and it made me immediately want to re read the comics.

The second half is more like a 7/10, so I rounded it to around 8, because I think though it captures to the plot beats quite well in its remix for television, it also fails to capture the uncanny aesthetic from the comics. This makes it feel incongruent with the first half and too mundane at times. The atmosphere feels at odds with what is cultivated in the first half.

Story wise, I have to disagree with many others. I think the transition and exploration is a smart move for the story overall, because it's just not sustainable to have the first arc throughout and it makes sense for where his character is at to explore what humanity means to him and who he is, which is shirked at the start for the awesome quest. It requires a downbeat and the ideas explored are still top notch. I maintain the only flaw is that the way they bring the arc to tv, aesthetically, feels like a miss. Also, some of the actors aren't as good in the later half - such as Rose, who feels only passable.

That said, totally stoked for more of this. Absolutely.
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As someone familiar with the source material...
anarchyintheus76 August 2022
This did an excellent job, but haters are always going to hate on projects like this. I'm shocked that it's this good tbh. Don't listen to the haters, this is great.
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Entertaining but not up to the comic books perfection
Starbuck-135 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Three episodes in, I'm kinda glad there's enough about this show that I like.

As a fan of the comic books, I have to say that I was not actually looking forward to this as there's so much you can do wrong with such an outstanding source material. But the show is close enough to the comics, visually beautiful and most important, more captivating than most other shows today - you want to keep on watching!

Sadly the emphasis on the Corinthian as an evil mastermind seems unnecessary to me, and it's really sad that an essential element of the first Sandman issue - Morpheus sentencing his captor Alex Burgess to 'eternal awakening' - is totally left out. This would have shown how ruthless an Endless will be if treated badly, definitely a missed opportunity. Look it up in the comics, it's that good!!! Also the timeline seems shaky considering Dream was captured for over 100 years now (about 70 in the comics) making Alex and Paul what? 120 years old when he escapes? Also John Dee would be nearly a hundred?

Well about the politics I can live with that but I do understand it's hard for many people to swallow race and/or gender swapping for more than half a dozen characters - while the bad guys all remain white men... It's sad that there will be so much controversy about this that the show could suffer from it.

Oh by the way I love Tom Sturridges performance so far! His German dubbing actor is terrible so I watch the English original, Sturridges voice is close to what I always imagined reading the comics.
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Spellbinding & visionary.
W011y4m55 August 2022
It's fair to say I've always been somewhat of a fan of the distinctively whimsical, quintessential eccentricity imbued within famous author Neil Gaiman's writing (ever since - in 2011 - first being introduced to it as a child in BBC1's 6th season of "Doctor Who", with his critically acclaimed episode "The Doctor's Wife") & therefore, as a long-time admirer of his impressive portfolio of work, growing up alongside his growing number of flourishing projects, I'd previously made consistent efforts to acquaint myself with his prior TV adaptations "Good Omens" & "American Gods" but admittedly, had never yet had the pleasure of reading the much beloved "Sandman" graphic novels (of which this series is based upon, widely considered to be his best) before. Hence, I personally went in to this season with no preconceived expectations & thus, I must concede - after viewing the first 3 installments - that this Netflix series has completely blown me away & ironically surpassed even my wildest dreams.

Of course, I can only comment as a casual viewer (& am unable to ascertain the faithfulness to the source material, present within these episodes), but within the first 3 hours, we as an audience are introduced to a rich, layered, enchanting world of pure imagination that is creatively borne, masterfully realised & the sheer scope & scale captured from beginning to end is honestly mesmerising. Indeed, it's no surprise to witness peculiar & cerebral fantastical wonders on screen - in a fantasy constructed from the inspired mind of such a quirky, ingenious scribe - yet nonetheless, I still found myself utterly confounded by the sheer regality & majesty of this grandiose, unconventional & wholly epic tale.

It's a credit to all of the cast & crew members involved, who've respectfully & lovingly brought such a breathtaking universe to life & I'm hopeful the quality established here in the preliminary chapters will continue throughout... Because from what I've seen, I'm seriously floored. It is utterly remarkable, beautifully dark & haunted & unlike anything I've had the opportunity to previously binge on the streaming service, in its history.

There's a palpable sense of history & mythology to it which immediately draws you in & I cannot wait to see more. What a major achievement!
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Amazing, and gets the soul of the comic across delightfully well (edited)
mikko-286987 August 2022
(See addendum below) 4 episodes in, very happy - In truth it would so far be 9/10, but there are so many "agenda" low reviews that I feel it my duty to offset them with a 10. So far very satisfied with the adaptation, and as it follows the comics quite closely we all know that the first story arcs are just the story learning to walk. There is so much good to come, and already it's evident that they will be able to pull it off. The end of e4 was amazing, can't wait to continue tonight!

Edit: I've now watched it all. From the end of e4 to e6 was the high point (e5 one of the best things I've ever watched and e6 was just as beautiful as on the page), but it was all worthwile so the 10/10 stays. And yes, I love the comics since the 90's - not 100% on all of the remixing of Doll's House (e7-10) but in the end it worked and setup the second season perfectly. I'll repeat, the first 2 books were just the series finding its direction. There's going to be some amazing stuff going forward, I'm sure (as the comics got exponentially better and the team has proved they can adapt them)!

(Oh, and from the weird comments by alleged comic fans: IMHO all the substituted "appearances" of the cast worked perfectly. As far as their altered "preferences", maybe re-read the second book?)
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Great start but the show loses it's initial momentum
william-eugensson31 August 2022
I thought the show was really great the first episodes, dark setting and interesting characters. Somewhere along the way I grew bored by the show however. I will probably watch the second season if it ever comes out since I am a fan of the novels. This was entertaining but the stark difference to how it started and how it ended made it less interesting for me. I hope the next season will focus on what made the first episodes so good. I think maybe sandmand will have a hard time to compete with all the upcoming franchises coming out this fall, I hope I am wrong though!

On another note, 600 characters requirement for a short user review is too damn long!
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Good but still limited by it being a show (no, I don't care that Constantine is a girl now).
crazelord6 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was quite an enjoyable watch, doing a great job at adapting the comic series into a show for modern audiences. The setting and plot are compelling, the set design and art direction are great, and I think they did an excellent job in casting Dream (Morpheus). It's also well written with good dialogue.

It does miss a darkness of the comic though. Everything is less creepy and dream feels nerfed. Comic books have no limitations to what can be portrayed at any time, making the supernatural characters and elements constantly shifting and reacting to the world.

But the show, like most comic adaptations, have to deal with actual human being, budgets, time constraints, technology, etc. So a lot of what made the visuals in the comic and set the mood and showing the power of the characters has to be dropped.

And that's just something I tend to dislike about any adaptation of a supernatural or superhero series. And why I generally prefer an animated series instead of love action. But this is what we got and I like it.

What does surprise me though is the pacing at times. It can be surprisingly slow and boring at moments, which you'd think that be avoided being a 10 episode season they could have moved it along and adapted more issues if there was too much space. But then the latter half becomes way too fast paced and convoluted with a lot happening off screen.

The show is at its best when it focuses more on character stories. Episodes 5&6 are excellent examples of that being some of the best tv I've seen all year.

Overa I think it's a good watch for new comers and fans of the comic.


But one thing that isn't an issue and it's pathetic that there are actually so many reviews complaining about this is having non white or male actors for roles that were white and male in the comic. They're acting like this is some agenda. When really it's just casting who they thought fit the part, and surprise surprise, some actors aren't white or male! Who knew....

For most of these characters their race or gender isn't even a factor in their characterization, it really should not matter to you what they look like (like Lucienne). You can make that argument for John Constantine being male is a part of his character generallt but in the Sandman story that wasn't really a part of it.

For the sake of the show being its own contained universe it's a moot point and Jenna Coleman is great at the role. You can rationalize it all you like, but unless them being white or male is inherint to their character (and we're dealing mostly with supernatural beings that don't care about race or gender) then getting butthurt about it is indicative of beliefs you may want to work on.

And don't get me started on all the people complaining about the LGBTQ aspects. You must not have read the comics if you think this is forced in. But also how pathetic do you have to be for getting so butthurt that gay people exist?
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A journey amongst dreams that flounders after an intriguing start
tinytots210 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
An adaptation of Neil Gaiman's comic series by the same name, The Sandman features the enigmatic Lord of Dreams as he governs his kingdom ("the Dreaming") in the face of selfish mortal machinations and diabolical familial schemes. Presented largely in the form of episodic adventures, the first season consists of two distinct plotlines. The first pertains to Dream's search for his tools after his release from a century of human captivity while the second revolves around Rose Walker, the dream Vortex whose existence and powers are a source of peril to both the real world and the Dreaming.

It must be said that the premise of The Sandman is a thrilling one. Thanks largely to its wonderful source material, the story presents its mythological and fantastical elements in a gripping manner while also retaining human emotions to render it meaningful and relatable. The rich visuals in the form of the varied vivid settings (like the unsettling "cereal" convention) and colourful character designs (of which the Corinthian is a stand-out) are impressive, immersing one into an entrancing new world to explore and discover. And the short anecdotes are an especial delight, be it the timeless tale of Hob Gandling, Dream's illuminating conversation with his sister Death, or the binding and release of the muse Calliope.

Unfortunately, the second half of the show does not live up to the promise of the first. The whole Vortex subplot feels a muddled mess with too much exposition and little reason given for the audience to care about the introduced characters. There are other general grievances, most notable of which is the naivete and powerlessness with which Dream is portrayed, aspects that do not fit one of The Endless. To state further personal criticisms: the score is lacklustre, the acting quality is variable, the casting choices feel at times forced, and the dialogue tends in places to have an overly British tone.

Nevertheless, as a fantasy buff, I have hope and anticipation for the next season. Not having read the comic books myself, I have no specific expectations or preconceptions but look forward to another dream-filled escapade, even if it's a nightmare-dominated one. Care to join along on the wild ride?
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The Sandman by Neil Gaiman
nightringer-768407 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is an adaptation and it is not exactly 100% as written in the comic. But it is the "proper" adaptation.

The actors who play each character is carefully selected to p4ovide the imagery of the character personality. Yes, there are gender and racial switching, but all within the box of character imagery.

There is 1 thing that bugs me tho, Joanna Constantine. I'm not saying Jenna Coleman did a bad job, but it is clearly a copyright and stupidity of the Warner TV and DC management. John Constantine character is still tied to the Legend of Tomorrow, so it cannot be used for The Sandman, which is a more independently produced and far from the control of the hands that ruins DC. But for fans of John Constantine, this will serve as a visual origin and extension of the character.

I watched all 10 episodes like a marathon. Engaging story. Hopefully gets a 2 season.
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Uneven, clumsy, and lacking scope.
grinningelvis3 September 2022
If Sandman were doing it's job, episodes 7-10 would explain why we should care about Dream and The Dreaming, not alienate and confuse viewers that do not have an insight into where the epic Sandman storyline eventually ends up. There is little connective tissue from Point A to Point Z, mostly because these episodes lack any real tone or nuance. The show gets busy - strangely more compacted- than even the 24 page comics they are adapted from. These episodes - without the gravity of a gifted actor like David Thewlis - just sort of spiral into nonsense. And since little effort is placed on delineating the importance or role of Dream or The Dreaming (or for that matter, the identities of The Endless as characters or the function of their realms) the series comes off as dull and drab and dim-witted.

"the Sandman" is one if the most emotional, insightful, intelligent comics ever written, and it accomplishes so much by suggesting the fantastical in the mundane. But in this Netflix adaptation, The Dreaming and Reality have no clear identities - just noisy cross-cutting between often drab actors performing rote functions. That's why, perhaps, the performance of Thewlis pops so much. We need to see the consequences of an innocent character interacting with the ideas of a universe so beyond his control. Every bit of momentum that the show builds up in those center episodes puts a greater emphasis on how the first episode and especially episodes 7-10 utterly fail.

Netflix's Sandman lacks scope, and ultimately comes off as pretty silly when it fails to maintain a solid core of genuine human emotion. Why, for example, squander the casting of Stephen Fry and the warm, wonderful Gilbert character with such a slim, unconvincing treatment? Gilbert's journey is essential as a mirror to that of the Corinthian, and all of the queasy menace of a "cereal convention" gets lost in the production's dayglo attitudes, loose ends, and loud box-checking.

I turned on this series the second Rose, Unity, and Jed began stumbling through these awful scripts and questionable performances. Any honest crew could have seen that mess going wrong. How could they not, having obviously understood the significance of, say, "Passengers" and "The Sound of Her Wings"? If Jed, Unity, and Rose are a "family", hiw are supposed to believe that Dream has any real affection for Death or Hob, or even compassion for John Dee or Johanna Constantine? The emotional gravity devolves into nonsensical B-movie execution.

If Sandman gets a second season, it will have to address the elephant in the room - casting and scope will have to get much more expansive and solve a lot of scale problems. Nothing here suggests that this can be accomplished. If you read through the negative responses to the series, you can see that folks don't have a lot of patience for the massive world-building that makes the conclusion of Sandman so moving and philosophically relevant. But as a fan of the source material, one has to ask why a die-hard would want to see such messy adaptations of works that deserve better?

With the two most awkward Sandman texts out of the way, the meat of the series comes next, but nothing in episodes 7-10 suggest that these producers are up to the task.
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I agree, it nosed dived after Episode 6
dreadlk16 August 2022
The show started out pretty good and hit a really big peak with Episode 6, which was a master piece of dialog and acting. Then it just felt like the director or someone else was fired because after episode 6 it was a struggle to watch it until the end.

I would like to see more of seasons of the show but they have to fix the pacing and limit the amount of odd characters. I think that was really the problem after episode 6. It started to introduce all of these weird human characters and then directed the normal characters to act as though nothing was wrong with them. It was all a bit odd as any sane person would never go near people like this, yet it was all accepted with a smile and a chuckle and endless fruitless dialog.
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A Master of His Realm
soeprijo199 August 2022
Just finished binge watching this last night. And what quite a story telling it was! From magic spell to travel the Hell, from human greed to dream seed, from dark adventures to realm contender, you name it. But my favorite episode was the sixth: The Sound Of Her Wings. It really gave the surreal drama feel, no thriller no horror no suspense, just like gliding the dream. And by the way, who's the Lord of Dream's barber?! Because he changed his hairstyle every century or so! I hope they make an episode of his barber next season (finger crossed)

Amazing 9/10.
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Hugely sandman did deliver with its unique storytelling and wonderful performance.
sharonmass0077 August 2022
The actor who played Morpheus was born to play it. Series takes to a new world with creatures ,demons and even the devil. All the episodes are unique and appreciable for the way they introduced these mythical characters . It's worth your time and the best pilot season for Netflix in the recent years.
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Finally A Real Win For Netflix That's of Actual Quality
rodneymoore-177555 August 2022
Excellently well made and crafted you can tell Netflix actually believed in this project the cgi was jaw dropping damn near movie quality at times and it was really well acted.
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Original review removed
RubyMouse31 August 2022
Rather over-thought and ponderous portrayal of the source material. Have to admit that although I liked episode 1, I still haven't finished the rest. I can't keep interested enough. I wrote a better review but it's gone.

I am disappointed that my original review which was written, then rewritten and edited a number of times before being posted on the 6th, has been removed. It had already received more likes than any other review as I am a fan of Gaiman's work and put a lot of thought into writing it. I am not a rude or abusive person but when people want your review removed you must have hit a nerve. Hence, this no-review review. Sorry.
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not a hero, not a villain, not a anti-hero. He is the Sandman.
bilalcansakalli5 August 2022
Morpheus, the sandman, is extremely serious, but also kind-hearted and kind. Trying to keep the balance of the world. It is enjoyable to watch the journey he has to take while trying to maintain this balance. The story progresses in an interesting way. It's nice to watch different realms are portrayed differently. The actors portray their roles well. Camera angles and visual effects are used perfectly. Space designs are well-constructed. The dark theme suits the series. If you want a dark and enjoyable journey, The Sandman is for you.
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Only watch the first four episodes
beastme100016 August 2022
I don't often leave reviews but felt like people deserve fair warning. The first five episodes are effectively one story and the first four of these are very good. Definitely worth watching them and then the fifth for closure, although it is a bit tedious and you can skip to the last 10 minutes for a resolution. The sixth episode is a bit of a standalone and has interesting characters and an easy story but is irrelevant to the rest of the season. The last four episodes are a new story, with barely any focus on the main character, Dream, and are boring. There is no reason to care about any of the characters and there is no sense of the impending doom they are trying to create as you either know it will turn out fine or kind of hope they all die, just to make it interesting. Teases of other Endless and their plans or influence amount to nothing and they tack on a teaser for the second season right at the end to try and make it seem like something exciting might happen. Really just don't bother. Most of the actors and the special effects are really good though.
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I went in blind!!!
joshhicks-835867 August 2022
And I loved this show it's a little out there but it's so good and I only watch the quality show because there is so much to choose from. I don't know what all the lower ratings are about this show is amazing.
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Went Downhill Very Fast
akunwafor135 August 2022
Not me thinking this is it, Netflix finally made a good adaptation. The first 30mins was all i hoped for, then the rest of the series happened.

It's like they made the Pilot great, got the series gree-lit then opted for mediocrity. The obvious drop in quality of the script and acting can be felt from the second episode onwards.

This is just sad because this show had potential, if they just stuck with the pace and quality of the first episode.
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Started great but couldn't maintain
joshuagolson26 August 2022
This show started off so strong, I was curious and intrigued. Then around episode 5 it practically makes the Sandman a supporting character. It starts each episode (5-11) with a story about other characters and then didn't bring Sandman into the episode until 2/3 to 3/4 of the way through. Now don't get me wrong, some of this episodes were still kinda interesting, but they just couldn't maintain the intrigue and interest that the first 4 episodes established.
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I've waited years for this and was not disappointed
CountVladDracula10 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My review of The Sandman Netflix series season 1:

(Contains some spoilers)

I have finally finished watching all of the first season of Neil Gaiman's The Sandman. This was the TV adaptation of the story that has fascinated me for the last five years. I gave myself a few days to sit on it and stew on what I thought of the show.

I loved most of it. I will give it an 8 out of 10. There were a few things I disliked but I mostly loved it. I loved Patton Oswalt as Matthew. I loved how Cain and Abel were portrayed. Any scene in The Dreaming was a delight. The special effects are excellent, as is the music.

Thought I loved the show I will acknowledge some flaws. Episode six is probably the best episode of the series and most people loved it for Death's story, The Sound of her Wings. But I loved it for the second half, which adapted the story Men of Good Fortune (chapter 10 of The Sandman audio drama, issue 13 in the comic book version). I love Men of Good Fortune so much that I wish it had gotten its own episode instead of just half of one. The character of the immortal Hob Gadling was done extremely well here. I love that he is the opposite of the popular trope of the brooding immortal. Instead he loves life. No matter how bad things get he never wants to die. There's too many new things to experience and enjoy and ways things can get better. I adore his optimism and endurance and I think Morpheus needs that in a friend. The ending of the episode is also very sweet.

Episodes 7 through 10 tell the story of The Doll's House and I'm afraid I did not like this portion of the show as much as the first half. I do actually like the new character of Gault used to replace the now absent Brute and Glob. Gault is a much more interesting character and helps to teach Morpheus about the way entities can change. She reminds me a lot of Ruin from The Dreaming: Waking Hours. I hope we see more of her later but even if we don't get more content with her, her story got a satisfying and endearing ending.

The Seral Killer convention was as dark and as brutal as the original version, if not more so. I was disappointed that Morpheus did not get to rescue Rose Walker from Funland but instead she was "rescued" by The Corinthian who wanted to use her power instead.

My complaints are relatively small. I happened to love the original version of Imperfect hosts where Morpheus convalesced in The House of Mystery, nursed back to health by the spooky, horror loving, Cain and Abel. Instead he comes to them to ask to take their Gargoyle (who was always more like a dog) and re-absorb the entity he had created in order to regain some power. This scene is gut wrenching, especially since Gregory does NOT die in the source material. He's an adorable recurring character along with Goldie the baby gargoyle.

I also didn't like that the show kind of thumbed its nose at the idea of Cain being apologetic or giving Goldie's egg to Abel, almost like it was a dig at the original story. I liked that moment of sweetness. Now it is Morpheus who gives them the egg that contains baby Goldie.

I do suspect that Morpheus giving them Goldie to make up for the loss of Gregory is meant to foreshadow the ultimate end of the series but Gregory and Goldie were always meant to co-exist with each other and their interactions were adorable. I hope I am right in that I thought I saw an unfinished re-created Gregory to the right of Morpheus at the end of episode 10. I also kind of hope that the series, itself, has a different ending from the original books. As blasphemous as this may sound I would prefer an ending that focusses on duality and change instead of "Change or die."

I was also a little disappointed that it was Lucienne who apparently made Matthew into a raven instead of Morpheus. I know Morpheus was still grieving Jessamy but it gave them more of a connection if Morpheus was who recruited the dying man to be his familiar. It was sort of funny that Matthew mentions not having thumbs anymore but I always had the impression that Matthew (in the books) preferred being a raven to a man so having him lament no longer having thumbs felt a little off to me.

Some of the changes were for the better. I am glad that John Dee spared Rosemary instead of killing her. I am glad Morpheus's "battle" with "The Oldest Game" was against Lucifer instead of the demon Choronzon. I am glad none of The Corinthian's victims were left alive for long, drawing out their mutilation and suffering. I am not a fan of torture or gore in horror. I like atmosphere more than anything. And The Sandman is both Gothic horror and fantasy and full of atmosphere.

In general I loved the show. I think I would have more of a grudge if Morpheus had not set things right with Gault in episode 10. What nearly became of her really bothered me even though she is a new character. And part of me still hopes that Alexander Burgess gets free of his curse much sooner than he did in the original version. The poor man had been through enough.

In general I was very happy with how the show turned out. I sincerely hope The Sandman gets a second season.
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From a long time fan of the comic.
noddle6669 August 2022
I have been waiting for an adaptation (and dreading how it would deal with the material) for over 20 years and I am happy to say that this series not only lived up to my hopes but far surpassed my expectations.

The choices of actors has been excellent, the effects are impressive and eye-catching (especially for a TV show), and the pacing has been really solid.

The second half of the series isn't AS incredible, but only because Doll House was one of the weaker story arcs. Even then, I still feel like they did a great job with the adaptation.

Episode 6 is one of the best hours I've ever had watching a TV series.

There is an incredibly vocal minority of people who are screaming about the wokeness of the series like The Sandman wasn't always ahead on stuff like that. Yes, there has been changes. Yes, there has been gender and race swaps. But I don't feel any of those things take away from the fantastic product we received and none of them feel out of line with the original style of the comic.

Obviously I'm not telling you that you can't be annoyed at these things, and if the idea of them makes you not want to watch the show then I'm sorry. But this long time fan was incredibly impressed and is praying to any god who'll listen that we will get more seasons (of mist) to follow.
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Ben-Mood6 August 2022
I saw the reviews. And watched it. People have forgotten how to observe and listen to things. So many people went to watch this show in expectation of something that the writers of the show didn't intend to present. Some odd, childish comics readers or should I say "graphic novels" as to not offend their fragile egos. Some marvel fans who expected one big explosion as a tv show.. And some narrow minded people. This show is special, it's wide in depth and isn't cheap like most of the things we are used to see everywhere. Someone said "dull characters".. While there are entire episodes dedicated to a single character's personality, behavior and psychological conflicts. How about watch this show with an open mind for once? Don't expect there to be something that you think should be there. Watch it with an open mind and be surprised with the interesting advances of the story. Enjoy.
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