The Sopranos (1999–2007)
The show that changed TV forever
1 July 2021
There have been a lot of great TV since its conception. The fact remained though that it was overall beneath movies in quality.

Enter the first of many similar HBO masterpieces. This show presents itself as the story about a family man tackling the every-day problems of life, only one difference: he is in the mafia. This show dared to go where no TV and not many movies had gone before. It actually portrayed the players in the criminal life as complex human beings and made them relatable.

The Godfather and Scroreses works are all fantastic, but Sopranos truly broke new ground in not romantisicing the inner playings of the mafia in any way.

The actors are all fantastic, especially the late James Gandolfini, and do a great job of conveying this unique and never-before seen story.

Whilst being great in its own right, it paved the way for pretty much all great TV shows since and HBO shows such as Game of Thrones, The Wire, Treme, Rome, The Outsider and so on.

It is definitely a recommendation any day of the week if you haven't (for unlikely reasons) watched it yet!
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