As close to perfection as you'll find in a BBC comedy
9 September 2020
The story of a group of British soldiers based in the trenches of World War I.

Richard Curtis and Ben Elton peaked during the forth and finest season of Blackadder. It is consistently strong throughout six episodes and several are some of the greatest examples of British television.

How does someone find humour in such a depressing situation? Well the answer is: characters. If the history of comedy has shown us one thing it is that you can make anything funny if you put great characters centre stage and give them the best material. Captain Blackadder, Lieutenant George, Private Baldrick, General Melchett and Captain Darling are all written and performed to perfection.

The jokes fly at you in the shape of dark gallows humour, outrageously sharp putdowns, hilarious comedy metaphors and the occasional sight gags. All of it is drenched in the most wicked British cynicism you could imagine. The three standout episodes for me are 'Corporal Punishment' and 'General Hospital' and 'Goodbyeee', but the others are not far behind.

Curtis and Elton were not content to just make a funny sit-com about trench life. They also made a loud and clear anti-war statement with a sharp criticism of WWI military/political leadership. These themes are referenced in numerous punchlines throughout, but during the final classic episode they decided enough was enough with the jokes gave us the tragic and sobering conclusion the situation required.

Rowan Atkinson shows us what a versatile genius he is as a comic performer and he is wonderfully complimented by Hugh Laurie, Tony Robinson, Stephen Fry and Tim McInnerny. Watch out for two hilarious cameos by renowned comedy duo Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson as British and German fighter 'flying aces' in the episode 'Private Plane'. Miranda Richardson also appears in a decidedly more sane role than we are used to seeing from her in Blackadder.

Blackadder Goes Forth is a jewell in the crown of British television and in my family it has been enjoyed by several generations.
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