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Friday Night Lights (2006–2011)
TV dramas don't come any better!
24 September 2011
Simply put, this is reality. If someone had affixed a camera to my head, 24 hours a day, when I was in high school, you couldn't have gotten a better picture of life. I know someone like every single character in this show. The story lines, the acting, the cast, couldn't be any better in this show. For those who haven't made it to high school yet, in Texas, this is your future. Wonderful, wonderful drama. I didn't even hear about this show (don't have time for much TV) until season 4. Watched one episode and I was hooked. Went out and bought every episode and sat down and watched every one in about two days. Didn't want to turn it off. I had always thought that The Shield was the best show ever on TV....until I was introduced to this tremendous story about life.
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Colombiana (2011)
Not Leon!
27 August 2011
I'm going to begin by saying Besson's Leon is one of the best films ever made. Screenplay, acting, soundtrack, directing, cinematography,.....every aspect was magnificent. That being said, Columbiana is no Leon. Basically it's just a superficial Jolie film without Jolie. The story is ridiculously expounded, the actors are second rate, and the setting is about as morose and uninteresting as it could possibly be. No one cares about any character in this film. It has no heart, and no soul. Just a lot of bangs and booms. If that's your deal, go see it....although there are better like-genre films to waste your money on. Besson missed his chance at a blockbuster sequel to a classic. This dreg is not it, although I'm sure it was in the back of their minds when they conceived this tripe.

This film will be forgotten in a month. The comparisons will kill it. Meanwhile, Leon and Mathilda live on forever.
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A Masterpiece!
8 April 2011
This movie is a classic, and I think Besson's best film by far. The casting is perfect, the relationship between Leon and Mathilda is both sweet and heartbreaking. After seeing, actually during, this film I knew little Natalie was on her way. Such a natural presence and delivery is a rare thing. It's as if she had been living this part for her whole 11 yrs. And Reno gave us his best role ever. The King of Badguys has played many great characters, but Oldman is on fire here. The guy could be the best villain to ever hit the screen. I think back to some of his bad guys he's played, and those movies wouldn't be the same if he wasn't a part of them. The soundtrack is also tremendous, and the closing song by Sting really defined the whole film. I have nothing bad to say about this film, and would have done nothing different. Luc needs to get part II started fast! The story lines are endless. Just noticed that Natalie Portman has two 8.6 IMDb scores with Leon and Black Swan. Not too shabby in this day and age
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Black Swan (2010)
One of the best performances by an actress of all time!
22 February 2011
There can be many interpretations of this film. Just let your mind take you where it wants you to go. In a couple of weeks, and you will think about it for at least that long, it will take you on another journey with Nina!

This isn't just another film. It is a remarkable piece of art. It will test your mind and your perception, allowing for quite a ride. But, you'll need to take advantage of it, as this will induce your mind to take many turns.

Natalie Portman delivers one of the most fascinating performances I've ever seen on screen. She IS this character completely, through and through. While mesmerized by her Nina, you'll forget about Natalie. You are inside of Nina....her mind is a roiling vessel of fright, delusion, uncertainty, and full-blown psychosis. And it couldn't possible feel any more real.

The direction and cinematography of this film are brilliantly implemented. Unfortunately the score was ruled ineligible for the Oscars, as it is magnificent, and takes this film to a whole other plane. I saw this film the first time at the T.F.Festival. The theater was packed, and not a sound was made by the audience during the entire film. AFTER the credits rolled, the audience sat stunned. And by the way, the credits are fabulous as well! Applause broke out, and we knew we had seen something special. No one wanted to leave the theater. Everyone just sat there, debating on what exactly they had just witnessed. It was one of those moments that really excited you to the core.

This piece will find a place in the annals of film, not as much for the brilliant surreality and edginess of the story, but for Portman's performance. No matter which direction she takes in the future, this performance is to Portman what Breakfast At Tiffany's is to Aubrey Hepburn. It will be her defining role.
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Northern Exposure (1990–1995)
I miss Maggie............
2 December 2010
I tried watching this show when it first aired on CBS (I think). I couldn't get through one episode. Of course, I was young and busy with a short attention span. Anyway, I caught a rerun on my c-band satellite wild feed a couple of years after it left the air. To my amazement, I was obsessed! I couldn't believe what I was missing all of those years. I taped every episode on VHS, and every night when going to bed, I would put in a tape. I couldn't get enough of this show. The writing was intelligent, the actors were terrific, and the setting was magnificent. You cared about every single actor on the show, and what their day to day lives involved. There were no villains or bad guys to hate. It made you think. As others have stated before, I've often imagined living in Cicily with these people. I was in love with Maggie! She was the perfect woman. When Joel left the last year, it was still a good show, but I felt like my best friend had died. At this point, the other actors started to change to me, started to normalize to an extent. Kinda took the wind out of the show. I've often asked myself, which one could have left and not made the show less inspiring............and I couldn't think of one. They all fit together perfectly. In a way, I'm glad I didn't get into it when it was on the air. I would have gone nuts waiting a week for the next episode. Now, I can sit down in my recliner, and watch the whole series in one take. Favorite episode.......would have to be when Maggie's house burns down, and Chris wants to "fling" a cow. Maggie looks so cute in the clothes the townspeople gave her! LOL! And no, there will never be another TV show like NX.
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