The Expanse (TV Series 2015–2022) Poster


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Ambitious, complex sci-fi/mystery thriller; offers great world-building and perfectly paced storytelling
gogoschka-118 October 2016
Wow: This was by far the biggest surprise for me in 2016. And apparently, I was somewhat late to the party, as the show already began to air in 2015. I'm an avid sci-fi fan, but I hadn't heard or read anything about 'The Expanse', and yet it's one of the most ambitious sci-fi (or generally high profile/concept TV) shows I've come across in recent years.

First, I believe a little (spoiler-free) information might be helpful prior to watching the show, because the viewer is thrown right into an incredibly detailed world where much is shown rather than explained (which is certainly an elegant choice in terms of storytelling and world-building, but there's so much going on and every shot is packed with so much visual information that it can be a little confusing during the first 2 or 3 episodes). So what you need to know is this: A couple of hundred years into the future, humanity is spread out throughout the solar system and divided into 3 opposing forces who are on the brink of an all out war for political power and resources (mainly water - which is harvested in the form of asteroid ice). The 3 fractions consist of the two superpowers Earth (governed by the U.N.) and Mars; the third party are the "belters", which is basically everyone unfortunate enough to be living on poor dwarf planets like Ceres or other large rocks in the asteroid belt (hence the name "belters").

Those belters are the future equivalent of the 3rd World population, as they represent the poor, exploited and underdeveloped colonies in the solar system. Many belters feel represented by the "Outer Planets Alliance" (short: O.P.A.) which is a radical group demanding more autonomy and fairer distribution of resources for the inhabitants of the asteroid belt, but is viewed as a terrorist group by Earth and Mars. Belters are badly affected by the harsh conditions in low (or even zero) gravity (which is often referred to as "low-G" or "zero-G"), as well as low oxygen levels and the strict rationing of water; their bodies develop less muscles and their bone structure has less density compared to that of humans born and raised on Earth or Mars. The belters' life expectancy is roughly half of that of humans living on Earth.

So that's the backdrop to the story told in 'The Expanse', and it all may seem a little complicated at the start, because the plot unfolds through several separate story lines. The key parts of the story are told through the eyes of three different protagonists: a high ranking U.N. official on Earth named Avasarala (played by Shohreh Aghdashloo); a cynical belter police detective named Miller (Thomas Jane) whose story starts on Ceres; and a young executive officer named Holden (Steven Strait) working on an ice freighter in space. Although those three don't know it (yet), their stories are connected - and that's all I'm gonna say about the plot, because this show deserves to be watched unspoiled.

Featuring visual and narrative elements that reminded me of almost every sci-fi film I ever loved - 'Alien', 'Outland', 'Serenity', 'Blade Runner' and many more - this is an R-rated space opera no sci-fi fan should miss. And although it probably can't compete with 175 million costing blockbusters like the new 'Star Trek' movies in terms of visual effects, 'The Expanse' looks fantastic. Given the insane amount of effects work involved, it must have been a very expensive affair for SyFy (who ordered the series from production companies Alcon Television and The Sean Daniel Company), and although I doubt they were able to afford the kind of budget HBO usually spends on shows like 'Game of Thrones' or 'Westworld', in terms of scope and complexity, this new SyFy show easily matches HBO's flagships (it appears Syfy is trying to get rid of its reputation as "shlock-channel").

The storytelling is meticulous and perfectly paced; the world-building richly detailed and always credible, and the patient viewer who doesn't demand everything be explained within the first episodes is rewarded with a thrilling, mysterious tale of adventure and discovery. The cast is terrific (especially Thomas Jane who seems to fit his character like a glove) and the writing manages the astounding feat to elegantly lead us through a very complex world and complicated story without ever feeling forced or weighed down by expository dialogue. Showrunners/writers Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby (known for their Oscar nominated work on the screenplay for 'Children of Men') really have done a fine job bringing the series of novels by James S. A. Corey (aka Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck) to life. Highly recommended to every sci- fi fan: 9 stars out of 10.

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Get past the first season to see its grandeur
philnoone2124 May 2018
A few of the one-star reviews here say they gave up after 2 episodes, Dull acting, silly plot etc etc. Well, I did give up too. I concurred, and thought it was hopeless.

Damn, though, my niece, son and a friend said it was the best TV series they had seen. Respecting their views based on previous recommendations, I persevered out of respect only, and recommenced watching the series with great reluctance and bemusement that they could be so misinformed.

At some point, and certainly into Season 2 I became aware that I was watching the best TV series I had seen. Firefly used to be may fav, but this has swept past. The architecture is spectacular and importantly grounded. Not the fantasy (apologies to fans) that is served up in Star Wars but a grounded realism that hooks one to the possibility.

It's just awesome, truely, I'm mesmerised.

What ever you do, stick with it to Season 2 and I promise you wont be disappointed. If you are, then my profuse apologies for making a promise that I thought could not possibly be compromised.
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Great Sci-fi Series!
Rob133130 September 2022
The Expanse is a sci-fi series that takes place hundreds of years in the future where humanity has colonized the solar system and where Mars has become an independent military power. Tensions between Earth and Mars have put them at the brink of war. It follows a space ship and it's crew as the race through the solar system exposing one of the greatest conspiracy theories in human history. I never watched this show while it was on cable but finally started watching it once Amazon Prime Video picked it up. I just heard so many great things about it and how it was one the best sci-fi shows ever created. I'm glad I finally gave in and watched it because I couldn't agree more...this is one of the better sci-fi shows I've ever seen! I'm so glad Amazon picked it up and continued the show. It got even better at Amazon because they gave them a bigger budget. It just finished the last season and ended on a great note. People are talking about a follow up movie so maybe there's still more to come. We can only hope!
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A future Cult Series
alexodisea3 March 2017
The Expanse is not an easy series to start. The first couple of episodes are slower because there are a lot of world building to do and character to present. That can threw off a lot of people, but if you keep watching, the series shows everything one can hope in a Sci-fi and space opera series. I also realized that the first slowest episodes are much better in a re watch when you know the characters and what is going on.

The first season is a more paused space opera, but in the 2nd season the brakes are off, the stakes are higher and its being an even more awesome show. The 5th chapter of 2nd season "Home" is one of the best chapters in the history of sci-fi without a doubt.

The series follow several mayor characters across the solar system:

Miller, a burn out cop searching for a missing girl in Ceres in the asteroid belt, Avasarala, a ruthless Earther politician who wants to stop a possible war between Earth and Mars, Holden, the 2nd officer in an Ice hauler who sees himself in a situation he never saw coming...

Later more characters join the plot with the same level of importance like Bobbie the Martian Marine, Fred Johnson, Tycho station head project and one of the OPA leaders and a lot of other complex characters.

The plot and characters at first feel disconnected and random, but when the series develops, you realize they they fit incredibly well.

The special effects are top notch with some incredible gorgeous shots, and and incredible attention to detail. That shows in how smartly they use real physics in a way that is almost a character and plot in itself.

The acting is great for the most part. Specially Thomas Jane, who simply nails it in a way that makes Miller one of the most compelling and charismatic characters in TV in a long time.

So to summarize:

  • Great plot

  • Great Characters

  • Stuning Special Effects

  • Great use of real physics

  • Hard to follow at the beginning, but with a great payoff later

  • Great re watch value

  • The series is gonna be a CULT SERIES, mark my words-
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An absolute island in television
ccudahy-6763615 April 2018
This is possibly (probably) the best television or even cinematic experience I have ever seen (particularly in the sci-fi realm). I am very stingy when it comes to TV shows since I feel that often they are inconsistently realized. I created an IMDB account just to drop a review for this one.

I just finished an episode in season 2 that made me cry and just stare at the credits for 2 minutes, motionless. No other show has ever so consistently provided the following for me:
  • Non-stop realistic character development and exposition
  • emotional gravity and consequences; every action has a reaction and every single second of seemingly unimportant exposure or backstory is relevant to building character and stakes in the story. No fluff here.
  • a real and believable world with new thoughts and a reason for everything
  • delivered creative, thoughtful, new ideas and plot points which make me question the nature of life and humanity
  • great acting from all levels of character

This series reminds a lot of the video game series Mass Effect but with even more consistency and thoughtful execution. Don't miss this, very much underrated in my opinion.
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Best sci-fi in the longest time
prakharone16 May 2018
Starts a little slow but builds a whole believable universe. And WHAT a universe it is. Rarely does one come across characters and worlds with so much depth. Cannot recommend this show enough.
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One of the better sci-fi shows I've seen in a while!
Supermanfan-1316 December 2020
It's hard to even describe how good of a show The Expanse is, especially if you're a sci-fi fan. All you have to do is read through the reviews to see how loved this series is. I don't know anyone who's seen it who doesn't like it. It has an 8.6 rating for a reason. It's so good that I definitely plan on watching it a second time through in the near future. The series just ended after season 6 and even though it had a conclusion to the story and didn't end on some cliffhanger, it still is open ended enough to have another season or movie on the future. If you haven't seen this incredible series yet then do yourself a favor and go watch it immediately. I'm warning you now though to give yourself enough time because you're going to want to binge it as fast as you can.
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This is what REAL sci fi is!
sc_mackinnon28 January 2022
Forget Star Trek, Star Wars, etc. This gritty show is how sci fi should be done. Solid plot, well-written story lines and no sappy sugar coating.

The first season is a little bit slow starting out, but it does find its legs. It gets stronger as it goes on.

The characters are developed and realistic. Unlike Star Trek, no one is perfect looking, perfectly dressed or perfectly adjusted. You believe that this is what humanity would be like in the future: flawed, adventurous and complicated.

I am truly addicted to this show. It just kills me that it was reported that there will only be one more season! I'll probably freak out and shave my head bald after watching the final episode!
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Best thing on SyFy since Battlestar Galactica
mhorg201814 February 2017
Damn. If the Syfy (I hate that abbreviation) Channel would show more stuff like this and less from The Asylum, I'd watch it more. This is simply great SF. The physics of space travel are as realistic as can be. The characters, from Miller the beat up Belter Cop, to Amos the Earther, to Holden the righteous captain by default and the places, Ceres, Tycho, Earth and Mars are all well defined and believable. The sfx is brilliant and the ship designs look like they've evolved from what we use today. The situations, different governments vying for power, resources and land, are all excellently done. A really great adaptation of a really great book series. This should be watched by anyone who even claims to be a sf fan.
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The Expanse - a show of two halves
Charland-Reviews15 February 2021
Firstly, as I say with all reviews, ignore any that are '1' or '10' - as they tend to be either bots or promotion companies.

The Expanse is a series that can be divided into two halves...

Seasons 1-3 created possibly the greatest sci-fi experience in the past 30 years. The intricate detail included on physics, locations, factions and their individual culture and technology is something rarely seen in modern-day TV (alas). The storylines are strong, intelligent, believable and rational. The universe is big, the action feels realistic and the characters are perfectly developed. This results in the viewer really caring about what happens to each person, as their different quests begin to unfold - eventually all linking together through superb scripting. As others have quite rightly said on here, what we get is one of the best sci-fi shows of all time and a style in which other shows have poorly tried to imitate since (shame on you current Star Trek writers). However...

Seasons 4-5: This of course is the point where Amazon and their production team pick up the reins - the second half of the show.

Season 4 had its plus points, in that the team continue the story in a similar fashion, with three main storylines occurring. However, the writing feels different, predictable and the pacing really hits the buffers - with the crew of the Rocinante stuck in one location for the whole 10 episodes. Character development seems somewhat less realistic, more clichéd and the casting even less on point (eg Brian George's Arjun being recast as Michael Benyaer). Much can be attributed to the book that the season is based on, with the producers acknowledging their mistakes.

Sadly, season 5 is where the wheels come off. It's a whole lot of nothing and essentially feels like a totally different show. It takes 10 episodes for the whole crew to meet up for a drinks reception on the moon. 7 episodes of Naomi's crying melodrama, 5 episodes of Alex and Bobbie sitting in a small space, and 10 episodes of me trying to work out how old Naomi would need to be to have a 20 year-old son?! Gone is the clarity of direction, the geo-political realism and the intelligence of the earlier scripts. It's almost like the show had a 60% budget cut, leaving the universe feeling small and the show feeling amateur. Yes, there's a global pandemic going on, but most of us would have been happier to wait for a better end product.

My biggest issue with season 5 is the inclusion of the most-meaningless and potentially-worst character death of all time, that was clearly added post-production (and no, not the equally pointless 'prison escape' episode). We're all aware of the external situation and film/TV companies wanting to act holier than holy, but surely a cast change would have been the more sensible and less nuclear option? Not to mention he was one the favourite characters up to this point.

Sadly, the second half has spoilt what started out as a great show. Memo of the story: Finish while you're on top, keep your original script team, eliminate needless character deaths and don't let Amazon take over your show.
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The best space opera I have ever seen!
nyutkamarko2 March 2017
I'm a very lazy person when it comes to reviews, basically it is my first one. But I just really want to support this show as much as I can!

I've never seen any space opera TV show with the same attention to details, high quality graphics, mind blowing storytelling. Gosh, even costumes are superb! Usually I like to search for some holes in the story or illogical stuff, but here everything comes together just precisely like it should.

The show combines everything that I love in TV shows - politics, intrigues, technology, controversial but solid characters, multiple "worlds" etc. And I really didn't expect that level of bad-ass production from SyFy, great job guys! I'm looking forward to the next episode and really hope there will be more seasons to come.
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Sliding from Great to Mediocre
mpatt-4767013 February 2021
First season was a 10. However it has lost half a star or more each season, particularly the not-so-good season 5. The main characters lack development and are mostly un-likeable. Almost the opposite can be said for the secondary characters. The Naomi Nagata character is seemingly directed by the same person directing Michael Burnham. Please stop with the whining, over-acting and breathy whispering.
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Downhill after season 3
zjohnsonj-15 February 2021
What happened? Once the best scifi show I've ever seen but it's been steadily downhill starting with season 4. The first three seasons were outstanding, leaving the disappointment of the following three seasons all the more bitter. The current season (6) drags interminably and each of the too-numerous plot lines lack the dialogue or just plain "stuff" to save the actors from looking talentless. Some great special effects but oddly these are not capitalized on. There are some high points but these are drowned out by the endless long shots of space cruisers zipping left and right across the screen. I've actually fast forwarded through some of the dialogue scenes (Marco, I'm looking at you), something I would've considered inconceivable when this show was new. Where's the wonder? Mystery? Imagination? This show has sadly devolved into just another space opera.
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Best "hard" sci fi I've seen since Battlestar Galactica
jeffrey-464 April 2018
OMG I love this show. I've seen up through S02E03 on Amazon Prime.

I only gave it a 9 because I don't like to give anything a 10.

Others have gone into good detail of what is good about this show so I'll just add some bullet points that I didn't see covered (although with 250+ reviews I probably just missed 'em)

In no particular order other than stream-of-consciousness:

* Detailed, realistic science fiction * Space behaves like, well, space * Gravity. They did a stellar job with gravity. It isn't perfect. But they emphasize realistic ways to simulate gravity (ships under continuous acceleration, spinning, ring-shaped space stations). And they shut gravity off when appropriate. * Space ship battles are incredibly thoughtfully designed, with an eye for small details. They pump the air out of the ship before a battle, for goodness' sake. I can't think of *any* other scifi space show that goes into these details * Consistency. Characters act consistently. Environments act consistently. * Details. So many details! Mag boots. Ship maneuvers. technology such as computer/handheld devices. All so believable. * Mormons! There are mormons, because, of course there are. And they aren't even the bad guys! (I only state it this way because too often, mysterious religious groups are used as hollywood shorthand for "bad guys"). The presence of Mormons just enriches the worldbuilding. * I love the fact that Eros station just looks like a giant potato with a porthole on its butt. It isn't polished. It isn't flashy. It's grimy and utilitarian. * I love that every move made by a spaceship has corresponding thrusters pushing it in that direction. The space ships do not fly like fighter jets, like they do in other typical sci fi shows. They fly like rocks. * I love the fact that space craft tracking screens look like legitimate space object tracking screens, with curved, mathematically drawn projected trajectories.

I can't gush enough about the "hard" sci-fi elements. I haven't even gushed about the production yet:

* Story is detailed, in-depth, and engaging. It's basically a political/war drama, but it is very well written. * Acting is great. Seriously. Even the throwaway characters are great. * Anyone can die at any time. Very Game-of-Thrones-y in this regard, in a good way. Builds tension very realistically. * Costumes, sets, graphics, cinematography are all excellent

Star Trek. I used to like Star Trek. Have you seen Star Trek Beyond (2016) though? That was terrible. Everything that is done wrong in Star Trek Beyond is done correctly in The Expanse. In fact, I'm not sure I can watch any Star Trek show or movie again after The Expanse.

Ultimately The Expanse feels like a combination of Battlestar Galactica (2005 one) and Firefly, more than any other series I can think of.
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One of the best SciFi series lately
ocika9 August 2017
I was so tired of new sci-fi shows until this started. Luckily I had whole 1st season. Show starts little bit slow, but getting better and better every passing episode. Excellent story and casting. Very refreshing. The best science fiction series in last decade. I highly recommend you to watch with English subtitles on.
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Ultimate SciFi show. Best since Battlestar.
dschmi-6453316 December 2019
I binged the entire season 4 in one day. Absolutely hooked. It's rare to find a scifi show these days that has a good storyline. The cast is perfectly chosen. Please please give us 10 seasons!
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Enthralling series: intelligent, intriguing and action-packed
grantss23 June 2019
Enthralling series: intelligent, intriguing and action-packed. 9/10

(Updated after Season 6).

Hundreds of years into the future, Earth has colonised Mars but Mars is now independent, and the two planets are in a constant state of distrust and unease. Caught between these two are the people of the asteroid belt and outer planets. James Holden, the executive officer of a freighter witnesses his ship, being destroyed by what appears to be a Martian warship. This heightens the tensions between Earth and Mars and sets Holden and his remaining crew on a quest across the galaxy to find the truth behind the incident. Meanwhile, on Ceres in the Asteroid Belt, a police detective is searching for the daughter of the wealthiest man in the galaxy. These are all parts of a conspiracy that that will threaten life in the Solar System.

Brilliant. I am not a huge fan of sci fi series (Firefly was the notable exception): they tend to rely too much on gimmicky inventions and faux science, at the expense of plot. The Expanse is different: the science and future history are incredibly believable. I'm no physicist but I found it difficult to fault the physics and technology involved. More than that, the futuristic nature of the series provides the background, not the story, so the series does not rely on it.

What the series does rely on is plot, and it is a great one. Starts out pretty slowly, so doesn't immediately pull you in, but after three episodes or so it is off to the races. The seemingly-parallel stories start to intersect, things start to make more sense (though, thankfully, not so much that the mystery disappears), the characters become more interesting and the action ramps up.

The story is then intelligently developed over the following seasons. Despite the many twists and turns, the plot remains solid, with no twists for twists sake and everything fits together very well. Even when one mystery is solved, another emerges to take its place, without feeling gratuitous.

Quite grittily told too: no characters are unexpendable, making the plot quite unpredictable.

Superb special effects and action scenes. The CGI is absolutely seamless and realistic, without being too ostentatious. Like the science, the CGI is the medium, not the message.

Performances are where the series does feel a bit lacking. The main characters - the crew of the Rocinante - are reasonably well played, though there are no stand-out performances. Some of the lesser characters are quite badly played though, with the worst culprits being Shohreh Aghdashloo as Chrisjen Avasarala and Shawn Doyle as Sadavir Enright. Any scene they were in made me cringe, with Aghdashloo being particularly irritating. She wasn't helped by her character being pretty badly drawn, with the worst dialogue and most grating mannerisms of any character in the series. The two factors - the character and her performance - just compounded each other.

The lack of character depth is a general weakness in the show too. The series is about the intrigue and action, much more than the people and their relationships, making character engagement less than complete (unlike Firefly, which was highly engaging because of the characters and their interactions).

This is a minor flaw though, as the plot and its roller-coaster momentum propel the show.

Amazingly, after five seasons, the series managed to get better. Most shows would be running out of ideas at that point but The Expanse managed to stay fresh and innovative. Season 5 is actually the best season of the lot, which says a lot. The show moves from our heroes vs weird science to a good old fashioned good guys vs bad guys war.

After the brilliance of S5 I was expecting great things from Season 6. Everything was set up for a great, climactic finale. While it isn't bad, S6 feels padded and unfocussed, like the writers didn't know to end it and/or didn't have enough material for a complete season.

Best evidence of this is the girl with dead bird sub-plot that takes up the first 5-10 minutes of every episode. This was totally pointless and was just there to take up space.

Even when things get wrapped up it's sometimes in clumsy fashion: tight situations that get resolved by some out-of-the-blue force or a technology that nobody knew existed before. Between the slow, meaningless girl with dead bird sub-plot and the action scenes that sometimes get resolved in quick, out-of-the-blue fashion, the pacing is jarring in its inconsistency. The writing in S6 is definitely looser than the rest of the series making S6 the weakest of all the seasons.

Season ratings: S1-4 9/10, S5 10/10, S6 7/10.
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Best sci fi in a long long time
wtf_is_god8 December 2015
Highly recommended. I have never written reviews, although I've had an IMDb account for a long time. I give all the new sci fi shows a try, but I end up not following most. So I have a good idea of what's out there for fans. Most new sci fi is ... unscientific, to put it kindly, or just techy stage furniture with soap-opera dialogue and character development. Like most fans, what I want to watch is a great sci fi story that seriously takes into consideration the effect of technology on the world around us, and intelligently explores the possible futures of humanity. I'm also interested by stories that consider the social issues of an alternative world shaped by different forces -- what would happen if, say, people lived on different planets, or if water was scarce, or if you had to live in 0g all your life. I know no sci fi will ever rise to the standards of physics PhDs, but it would be nice if writers occasionally paid attention to one.

This review is based solely on one episode so hopefully this was not a fluke, but the quality and writing are outstanding (better than most good high budget movies). Just based on this, and the fact that it is genuinely science fiction done with care, which shows great attention to detail and love for the project, I think this show should get the best word of mouth it can get. I warmly recommend it to everyone.
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Best Sci-Fi since Babylon 5
cobra616 July 2017
This show makes other Sci-Fi shows seem bad. I can't get into Dark Matter, which otherwise would be a decent show, but after watching the Expanse, it pales in comparison.

I don't have issues with the accents. I like that the Belters have unique accents. The accent sounds a bit Afrikaans but it is distinctly unique. I think it adds to the realism. Of course after years apart, people will have new accents.

This is the only show I watch where I can't be doing anything but watching the show. I often multitask while watching programs (I am actually watching an episode of Dark Matter while I type this), but The Expanse has too much going on. I must devote all of my attention to it.

I always had Babylon 5 (well the first 4 years at least) up on a pedestal as my favorite Sci-Fi of all time. The Expanse isn't there yet, but it is getting close.

My only complaint is why aren't Earthers so much stronger than Martians and Belters. I understand that Martian Marines train in 1G, but Earth Marines live, breathe and sleep in 1G. Earthers should be far, far, stronger than any Belter. (Am I wrong in my thinking here?)

It sucks having to wait 9 months for season 3.
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Good adaptation up to season 6
hnpjzvrx24 December 2021
Edit: The Expanse was cancelled half way through season 6. Season 6 was rushed, and unfortunately spent half the airtime on a story arc that they did not finish. As much as I would love to rate this an 8 or a 9 and recommend without caveat, this story is unfinished and concluded in an unsatisfying way.


I read and enjoyed The Expanse books, and found the TV adaptation well done. The show has all the important character development and plot points, and while there are a few rushed parts, and some significant changes to the plot and character arcs later on, it actually has better pacing than the books. I recommend consuming both books and television show, because they complement each other well.

Good sound track.

Good CG and practical effects

Great casting and character portrayals

With the exception of the inter-dimensional alien threats, the politics of a the solar system and state of Earth, Mars, and The Belt is a believable story about what human society could be like a few generations after achieving sub-light, intra solar system space travel. The social commentary is divorced enough from our current political circumstances that it doesn't feel like it pandering, yet still manages to be relevant and thought-provoking.
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mac-leckrone11 June 2018
Most distressing part of being a fan of the "sci-fi" genre, is that on the one hand we have an embarrassment of riches in a continuous flow of excellent literary works from which to choose; and on the other hand, a sputtering supply of embarrassingly bad movies and lackluster TV. Adding insult to injury, the fates seem to seek and destroy the few high-quality TV series that do emerge from the pack (Firefly, Dark Matter).

As another reviewer well said, the Expanse is an "island in television." Not since Battlestar Galactica have we been treated to motion-picture art so well-conceived in the sci-fi genre. Hollywood seems to believe that "sci fi" fans are easy to please with superficial stories, predictable characters, and eye candy special effects. NOT TRUE. Although the "production value" of The Expanse seems near unprecedented, it is NOT why there are so many 9-10 star reviews on this forum.

Rather, the reason is good story-telling. Not too much reveal too fast... but enough to keep big, interesting questions smoldering. And mercifully, the writers spare us long passages of explanatory dialog. Instead we're invited to use our imagination, and even watch episodes repeatedly.

If you've read the SA Corey books, you'l delight at the manner in which they are here brought to life. If you haven't, you'll be seriously entertained, and perhaps inspired to do so.

With all the high-quality literary works in the genre, Hollywood has no excuse that something as good as The Expanse is so rare, as there is certainly no shortage of deep, multi-layered, captivating universerses. Why it is so rare, I can't say. I can say however, that I'm damn glad the people behind the production The Expanse care so much about their creation, and that they are being supported by the industry. Here's to 10 more seasons!!
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Watch seasons 1-4, skip 5&6
saner_place21 January 2022
Season 1 really grabbed my interest and seasons 2&3 held it. 8.5/10

Season 4 was OK but felt flat compared to the first three. 7/10

Seasons 5&6 were not entirely awful, just not very good, especially compared to the first three. Too much badly acted soap opera and not enough sci-fi or plot advancement. Basically boring. 5/10

Still very good sci-fi that just sort of faded out toward the end.
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Aye, it went wrong.
bingvarstand7 February 2021
It was a really good show. Then came season 5. As a fan of the show I was bored. Episode after episode with nothing of relevance to moving the story forward. Just long drawn out drama. Really long. Last 5 minutes was kind of interesting. Also its becoming woker and as we all know that is never a good sign. They had 2 seasons left and wasted season 5. Now we wait for season 6.
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real sci-fi
SnoopyStyle20 January 2022
It's the 23rd century. The U. N. controls Earth. Mars is the main military rival. Independent miners called Belters operating in the asteroid belt are squeezing out a living from scarce resources. There is rising tension among these three different civilizations. On Ceres Station, detective Miller is given an off-the-books search for missing heiress Julie Mao. She's the sole survivor of a strange incident on the spaceship Scopuli. James Holden, Alex Kamal, Naomi Nagata, and Amos Burton are part of the crew of the Canterbury. They answer a distress call from Scopuli. UN Deputy Undersecretary Chrisjen Avasarala and Sadavir Errinwright are powerful earth politicians. The various players uncover a solar system wide conspiracy chasing an ancient alien secret.

This is a Syfy series. After three seasons, the show was cancelled and Amazon picked it up for another three seasons. It finishes with six seasons and sixty two episodes. It's a compelling futurist epic. It has great characters. I love the addition of Bobbi in season 2. The standout of this series from other TV shows is its realistic physics. Sure this has some fantasy givens like the alien tech and super efficient rocket engines but the physics are generally real and they almost always surprise me. Like I've never considered having a wound in 0G. This is a show for that along with its great characters and story.
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Season 4
Kajohns4915 December 2019
When I heard that SyFy was cancelling the series after 3 seasons I was very surprised. Since the beginning this show has had an excellent story, interesting world building, a great cast and good production values. I thought it was one of the better series on TV, not just science fiction but including all genres. I was gratified to find out that Amazon picked this up and was eagerly awaiting its release. Well, I just finished season 4 and am pleased to announce that the high quality series has returned! My only regret is that for some reason I thought this season was 13 episodes instead of 10 and I wasn't willing for this to be over. I have never read the book(s?) this is based on so that has nothing to do with my review. I will only say that to anyone discovering this series for the first time I envy you! When I saw S4 E10 I got a little sad that it was over. Season 5 looks like it will be fantastic as well!
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